Holoptelea integrifolia

Holoptelea integrifollia

Shape Botanical Name – Holoptelea integrifoliaCommon Name – Indian elm Habit Deciduous Large tree Moderately fast-growing Specific properties Found in tropical deciduous forests Preferred for soil erosion control Moderately drought tolerant Ecology Birds prefer it for nesting Few birds like Rose ringed parakeet feed on its fruit Pollinated by insects Uses Leaves and stem bark exhibit […]

Morinda coreia

Morinda pubescens

  Botanical name: Morinda coreia Common name: Noni, Bartondi Distribution: Peninsular India Habitat: Moist and dry deciduous forests Habit: ·         Deciduous tree ·         Small Tree Specific Properties: ·         Drought tolerant tree ·         Fire resistant Ecology:  ·         Symbiotic ant- plant mutualism ·         Attracts bees Uses: ·         It is used to make the morindone dye, which is […]

Catunaregam spinosa

Catunaregam spinosa

  Botanical name: Catunaregam spinosa Common name: False Guava, Gela Distribution: Assam, Madhya Pradesh,Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha,Tamil Nadu,Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Karnataka, Telangana Habitat: Moist deciduous forests Habit:   ·         Deciduous tree ·         Shrub ·         Medium growth   Specific Properties: ·         Flowers are extremely fragrant Ecology: ·         Bees attract to flowers and act as pollinators Uses: […]

Xantolis tomentosa

Xantolis tomentosa

      Botanical name: Xantolis tomentosa Common Name: Indian Bully Tree,  Katekumbal Distribution: Peninsular India   Habitat: ·         It is found in semi-evergreen and evergreen forests.   Habit: ·         Evergreen ·         Small tree Specific Properties: ·         Grazing detterent spines Ecology: ·         Birds feed on fruits ·         Chadisra bipars moth feeds on this tree ·         Monkeys […]

Terminalia paniculata


  Botanical name: Terminalia paniculata Common name: Kinjal, Kindal Distribution: Peninsular India Habitat: Moist and dry deciduous forests Habit: ·         Deciduous tree ·         Medium Tree Specific Properties: ·         Drought tolerant tree ·         Fire resistant tree   Ecology: ·         Firefly congregate or display on this tree ·         Flowers attract lots of bees and flies which are […]

Streblus asper

Streblus asper.

Botanical name: Streblus asper Common Name: Sandpaper Tree, Toothbrush tree, Kharota Distribution In India: It is distributed throughout drier parts of India. It is found in, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Odisha, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh, Assam and Andaman Islands. Habitat It is found in deciduous forests and secondary forests at elevations from sea level to 1,000 […]

Putranjiva roxburghii


Shape Botanical name:Putranjiva roxburghii Commonname:Putranjiva Distribution: Throughout India Habitat: Moist and evergreen forests Habit: Evergreen Tree Medium tree Fast Growing       Specific Properties:    Drought tolerant Ecology: Birds feeds on fruits. Bulbuls,Koels, Babblers can be seen feeding commonly.    Birds and bats are mainpollinators   Uses:             The hard, white seeds of the fruit […]

Miliusa tomentosa 


  Botanical name: Miliusa tomentosa Common name: Hoom Distribution: Central, Western and Southern India Habitat: Grows in dry and moist deciduous forests Habit: ·         Deciduous tree ·         Large tree Specific Properties: Ecology: ·         Butterflies visit flowers as pollinators ·         Birds, mammals feed on fruits and help in seed dispersal   Uses: ·         Fruits are given […]

Grewia nervosa

Grewia nervosa

  Botanical name: Grewia nervosa Common Name: Microcos, Shiral, Hasoli Distribution: In India, it is found in Western Ghats and Northeast India. Habitat: ·         It is found in semi-evergreen forests, sacred groves, and scrub forests.   Habit: ·         Deciduous ·         Small tree Specific Properties: Ecology: ·         Lychee longhorn beetle feeds on the bark ·         Larval […]