Farmers for birds conservation

Farmers for bird conservation project initiated the crucial work of bird conservation in the non-protected areas, at villages.

Garuga pinnata

Botanical name: Garuga pinnata Common name:  Garuga, Kakad Distribution: Throughout India Habitat: Deciduous forests Habit: Medium Tree Deciduous tree Ecology: Bees and butterflies visits flowers Birds feed on fruits Uses: Fruit – raw, boiled or pickled   Fruit juice used to treat asthma   The tree is used as a support for growing pepper plants […]

Hardwickia binata

Hardwickia binata

  Botanical name: Hardwickia binata Common name: Indian black wood, Anjan Distribution: Central, Western and Southern India Habitat: Dry deciduous forests Habit: Large Tree Deciduous tree Specific Properties: Drought tolerant Uses: It is utilized for timber, fuel wood, fodder, charcoal making, fibre, furniture making and soil and water conservation potential Leaves of the tree are […]

Adina cordifolia

Botanical name: Adina cordifolia Common name:  Yellow Teak, Haldu Distribution: Central and southern India Habitat: Moist deciduous forests Habit: Large Tree Deciduous tree Specific Properties: Drought tolerant Fire resistant Ecology: Larval host plant of Staff Sergeant butterfly Uses: Leaves and young twigs are used as fodder for livestock The juice of the plant is applied […]