Grows in arid regions, hilly areas. in mixed, moist, and deciduous forests of India
Evergreen tree
Fast growing
Medium tree
Flowers visited by Golden Angle, Angled Pierrot, Common Silverline, Long Banded Silverline, and Large Guava Blue butterflies
Larval host plant for White-branded Ace butterfly
Elephant, Sambar and bison feeds on leaves
Bees visits flowers as pollinators
It is used traditionally as a remedy in different disease conditions like skin disease, hyperglycemia, antihyperlipidemic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antioxidant, antiulcer, antifungal, immunomodulatory, febrifuge, wound healing
Used to treat body swellings, to increase saliva and as an anti-inflammatory drug
Traditionally it is used to treat jaundice, skin diseases, ulcers, arthritis, lumbago, wounds, cuts, and boils
Leaf paste applied to get relief from pain and used in poultices for skin diseases
Leaves chewed to overcome the deficiency of saliva
Leaf decoction eaten for reducing the temperature of the body
This plant has a high Protein value Above 20% so used as Food
A paste of roots in butter, linseed oil & hen’s egg is applied on fracture
Kydia calycina fibers are used in the textile industry