Erythrina suberosa

Botanical Name – Erythrina suberosa Common Name – Indian Coral Tree  Habit Deciduous tree Medium Fast growing Specific Properties Nitrogen fixing tree Seeds are toxic Ecology Mammals, birds, bees, bats and insects feed on flower nectar Birds, mammals, reptiles, insects use it for shelter and roosting Birds visit tree for stored water within the cup of […]

Bombax ceiba

Botanical Name –  Bombax ceiba Common Name – Red silk cotton tree Habit Deciduous tree Large Fast growing Specific Properties Umbrella species in dry deciduous forests Pioneer species Ecology Birds, mammals, reptiles, insects use it for shelter and roosting Mammals, birds, bees, bats and insects feed on flowers, fruits, bark and seeds Birds visit tree […]

Phyllanthus emblica

Phyllanthus emblica

Botanical Name – Phyllanthus emblica Common Name –  Indian Gooseberry   Habit Deciduous Tree Small Moderate growing   Specific Properties Fire resistant Ecology Birds and bats feed on the fruit Nectar and pollen for birds, bees and butterflies Uses Main constituent of Triphala Cancer preventative and antitumor properties Promotes longevity, enhances digestion, treats constipation, reduces […]

Terminalia chebula

Terminalia chebula

Botanical Name – Terminalia chebula Common Name – Harar Habit Deciduous Tree Medium to Large Slow growing Specific Properties Drought tolerant Ecology Birds feed on the fruit Nectar and pollen for birds, bees and butterflies. Provides habitat to birds, insects. Threats Overexploitation Poor regeneration Forest fires Uses Highly Medicinal-Main constituent of Triphala, laxative, stomachic, expectorant, […]

Terminallia bellerica

Terminalia Bellerica

Botanical name – Terminalia bellerica Common Name – Baheda Habit Deciduous tree Large Fast growing Ecology Their large sized provides suitable nesting sites for Owls, Hornbills, Giant squirrels Pollen and nectar for birds and bees Mammals and birds feed on fruits Larval host plant for -Large Oakblue and Brown Awl butterflies Uses Highly medicinal – used […]