Adina cordifolia

Botanical name: Adina cordifolia

Common name:  Yellow Teak, Haldu

Distribution: Central and southern India

Habitat: Moist deciduous forests


  • Large Tree
  • Deciduous tree

Specific Properties:

  • Drought tolerant
  • Fire resistant


  • Larval host plant of Staff Sergeant butterfly


  • Leaves and young twigs are used as fodder for livestock
  • The juice of the plant is applied externally to kill worms in sore
  • Leaves and bark are used for cholera, cold cough, fever, headache, scars and urinary complaints


  • Paste of stem bark and leaves are used for curing deep wounds, jaundice, stomachache


  • Wood is valued for making small items such as combs and for turnery, it is also used for construction, window frames, furniture etc.






  • Seeds