Semecarpus anacardium

Botanical name: Semecarpus anacardium

Common Name: Marking Nut Tree/ Bhilva


  • Deciduous tree
  • Small-Medium
  • Slow growing

Specific Properties

  • Drought tolerant
  • The plant is poisonous to the touch, can cause severe skin rash


  • Macaques, bats feed on fruits
  • Bees, birds and bats feed on nectar and pollen
  • Flies, bees, wasps, butterflies, ants are main pollinators of Bhilva tree


  • Ripe fruits are edible, unripe are pickled
  • The fruit and nut extract show anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-reproductive, anti-carcinogenic properties, reduces formation of fatty deposits in the arteries, controls blood sugar levels and promotes hair growth
  • Fruit juice is used in the treatment of bronchitis, dysentery, fever, asthma, haemorrhoids, used externally to remove rheumatic pains, aches and sprains
  • Latex is applied externally for treatment of headaches, skin diseases and scabies
  • Use in making a permanent marking ink
  • An oil obtained from seeds is used as addictive substances to lacquers, dyes and insulating material; in the plastics industry, for regenerating rubber materials and to protect wood from white ants
  • Yields tannins, black dye, gum


  • Seeds

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