Vulnerable, decreasing in wild, as per IUCN red list of threatened species
Birds, Bonnet macaques, langurs, squirrels fruit bats feed on the fruits
Macaques also feed on the tender shoots.
Flowers attract bees and butterflies
Root, bark, fruit and the seed oil are used to treat piles, abdominal disorders- dysentery and diarrhoea, mouth diseases and worm infestations
Kokum is richest source of anthocyanin – chemo-preventive and anticancer agent, can inhibit the growth of human oral, breast, colon, and prostate tumour cells
Fruit is used to make juice and used in food both in fresh and dried form
It is appetite suppressant, aid in total weight loss and fat loss
Butter extracted from seed is used in the preparation of chocolate and sugar, used in treatment of dysentery, mucous diarrhoea, chaps and fissures of the lips, in cosmetic applications -skin lotions and creams, body butter, soaps