Artocarpus heterophyllus

Artocarpus heterophyllus

Botanical name  – Artocarpus heterophyllus 

Common Name – Jackfruit


  • Evergreen
  • Large tree
  • Fast growing

Specific Properties

  • Moderate wind and salinity tolerance but no tolerance for “wet feet” (flooded area)
  • Wide-ranging root system, used to control soil erosion in farms
  • Suitable for forest restoration, soil redevelopment


  • Birds feed on ripen fruits
  • Mammals like Elephants, Giant squirrels, Civets, Bats feed on the ripen fruits
  • Butterflies visits ripened/rotten fruits


  • Pulp of young fruit is cooked as vegetable, pickled or canned. Pulp of ripe fruit is eaten fresh or made into delicacies like chutney, jam, used to flavour ice-cream and beverages, made into jackfruit honey, concentrate or powder form
  • To heal ulcers, the ash of jackfruit leaves is burnt with corn and coconut shells and used either alone or mixed with coconut oil
  • Leaves are used for curing fever, boils, skin diseases, cures wounds
  • Pulp and seeds of the fruit are cooling tonic
  • Fruit latex is anti-syphilitic, vermifuge, cures eye inflammation and sore throat
  • A root decoction alleviates fever, treats diarrhoea, skin diseases and asthma
  • Seeds are eaten boiled or roasted.
  • The latex is commonly used as adhesive for mending broken chinaware, earthenware, mending boats is also used as substitute for rubber
  • The wood is termite proof, resistant to fungal and bacterial decay. Good for furniture, construction and musical instruments.
  • A rich yellow dye used for dyeing silk and the cotton robes of Buddhist priests is made from the wood chips boiled with alum.
  • Leaves are fodder, used for wrapping food and as plates


  • Seeds

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